Universitätsstraße 9
95445 Bayreuth
Phone +49 921 78516-0
Universitätsstraße 9
95445 Bayreuth
Phone +49 921 78516-0
By Car
Autobahn A9 from Berlin or Nuremberg
to Exit No. 42 Bayreuth Süd
After the exit, turn right, at the end of Dr.-Konrad-Pöhner-Straße, turn right again into Universitätsstraße. Our building is located on the right side opposite the university entrance.
By Taxi
Distance from the main train station is approximately 3.5 km.
By Public Transport
Main Train Station Bayreuth
Bus lines 304/ 306 depart from ZOH to Bus Stop Bayreuth Uni-Verwaltung.